Maggie is transformed overnight!
Barking, aggression issues, hyperactive, stressed….
Both Maggie and Milo came to us very much second hand – in fact Maggie was 4th hand by her 2nd birthday, so both brought with them a lot of baggage and damage from their previous homes and some very mixed messages training wise.
Maggie, a Lab Rottie cross, perpetual barker, scrapper and overly anxious dog with an incredible need to foist her 45kg frame on top of us at all times had become quite intolerable and was in desperate need of learning how to become independent and self confident in her very muddled world.
We were recommended DoggyDan by Annie at K9 Heaven who said both dogs would benefit enormously from a session. Having spent a small fortune on other trainers we had pretty much resigned ourselves to having to manage ‘problem pooches’ for the forseeable future.
The day DoggyDan arrived was the day things changed. A 2 hour session and Maggie had stopped her paw biting and her anxiety levels had subsided. For the first time she took a deep sigh and was content to lie on the floor away from us – the back flips performed at feeding time gave way to gentle seated waiting and we now enjoy being able to sit on the sofa without a 45kg dog sitting on our feet, spilling drinks by her incessant pawing.
Maggie was transformed overnight and a couple of months down the track we are continuing our new routines to benefit the entire household and Miss Maggie. Mr Milo, the rather individual Boxer remains a work in progress but has shown significantly reduced aggression toward other dogs.