Bulldog madness turns to bulldog love!
Dog aggression, dog pack integration, dogs fighting
“I was quite naive thinking that it would be easy to introduce a new adult dog into my home. Monty has always been my baby and obviously very spoiled. The introduction with Paris did not go as planned – I was constantly breaking up massive dog fights!
Then I called you on day two, in the hope you’d teach the dogs some coping skills. In all honesty you came and taught the dogs nothing but you taught me! The biggest problem was me and my behaviour, not the dogs. You helped me to establish my position as pack leader which in turn meant that my dogs did not have to fight for pack leader position.
The simple, yet very effective, techniques you showed us were put in place and are now part of our every day life. Your follow up calls and emails have been very much appreciated.
The dogs are now best friends! I hope that you can come over in the near future to see the lovebirds!
Thank you very much Doggy Dan for calming my nerves as well as my dogs nerves!”